• Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Hockey
  • Tennis
  • Badminton
  • Volleyball
  • Table tennis
  • eSports
  • Cricket
  • Rugby
  • Box
  • UFC
  • Football
  • Snooker
  • Darts
  • Baseball
  • Youth League Rugby
  • Australian football
  • Bowling
  • Gaelic sports
  • Handball
  • Futsal
  • Floorball
  • Beach volleyball
  • Water polo
  • Squash
  • Horse racing
  • close

    Contact us and we will give your free access

    Sports API: Football, Soccer, Basketball and other data
    Preview Documentation Personal Area
    Review Live Prematch Finished Events H2H (comparisons) Countries Competitions Clubs Players Odds Chronology Photos Language Recommendations Individual Conditions Notes Updates Errors Pinnacle Bet365 1xBet BetFair Fonbet Unibet

    Requests structure

    Use the next line to get API data in JSON format:
    (the sequence of commands can be any, separated by the symbol &)


    In each request, you specify your login, digital key (token), command, and if there are additional parameters.


    In each tariff plan, we provide 500,000 requests per day, but no more than 30,000 requests per hour.


    We use powerful cloud servers, which provide data protection from DDoS attacks at L3/L4 levels, and also ensure the safety and availability of transmitted data at the level of 99.9982%, which is the highest protection indicator.

    Additional information

    Clarifications on abbreviations, IDs used in parameters and supported sports are provided on the Notes tab.

    Live games

    Task: livedata

    Required parameter: sport


    Before viewing the section, we advise you to familiarize with the tab: Recommendations

    Prematch game

    Task: predata

    Required parameter: sport

    Required parameter #2: day*

    *You must specify the date in YYYYMMDD format or use the today parameter (&day=today).

    https://spoyer.com/api/en/get.php?login= your_login&token=your_token&task=predata&sport=soccer&day=today

    Options for get data for a competition / team

    Task: predata

    Required parameter: sport

    Required parameter No. 2: league or team



    Get data by page

    Task: predatapage

    Required parameter: sport

    Required parameter #2: day*

    Additional parameter: p (page number)

    *You must specify the date in YYYYMMDD format or use the today parameter (&day=today).

    In this option, 50 games are displayed on one page, and the page generation speed takes from 0.01 seconds. If there are 50 games on a page, use additional requests to get data from other pages: &p=2 and so on.

    Get page data for a competition/team

    Task: predatapage

    Required parameter: sport

    Required parameter #2: league or team

    Optional parameter: p (page number)

    *You must specify the date in YYYYMMDD format or use the today parameter (&day=today).


    In this option, 50 games are displayed on one page, and the page generation speed takes from 0.01 seconds. If there are 50 games on a page, use additional requests to get data from other pages: &p=2 and so on.

    Before viewing the section, we advise you to familiarize with the tab: Recommendations

    Finished games

    Task: enddata

    Required parameter: sport

    Required parameter #2: day*

    *You must specify the date in YYYYMMDD format or use the today parameter (today's date).


    Options for get data for a competition / team

    Task: enddata

    Required parameter: sport

    Required parameter No. 2: league or team



    Get data by page

    Task: enddatapage

    Required parameter: sport

    Required parameter #2: day*

    Additional parameter: p (page number)

    *You must specify the date in YYYYMMDD format or use the today parameter (today's date).

    In this option, 50 games are displayed on one page, and the page generation speed takes from 0.01 seconds. If there are 50 games on a page, use additional requests to get data from other pages: &p=2 and so on.

    Get page data for a competition/team

    Task: enddatapage

    Required parameter: sport

    Required parameter #2: league or team

    Optional parameter: p (page number)

    *You must specify the date in YYYYMMDD format or use the today parameter (today's date).


    In this option, 50 games are displayed on one page, and the page generation speed takes from 0.01 seconds. If there are 50 games on a page, use additional requests to get data from other pages: &p=2 and so on.


    A complete list of all events by time: corners, yellow/red cards, penalties, and other information. The data also includes live stats: attacks, shots on target, substitutions, possession percentages, chances, and general information about the game: league, teams, match status, time, club photo id, etc.

    Task: eventdata

    Required parameter: game_id*

    *The game_id parameter is specified in the list of live, prematch and finished games.



    H2H – Head to Head. Comparison of teams in personal matches, home or away games. The data also contains the IDs of the previous games of the teams.

    Task: h2h

    Required parameter: game_id*

    *The game_id parameter is specified in the list of live, prematch and finished games.< /p>



    In an update on 10/17/2020, a parameter was added: "CC" for live, prematch and finished games. This is a league belonging to a country. The table of abbreviations is provided below.

    Also, high-resolution .svg flags are available for countries, to get them, use the address below:


    Code Countrie Russian Name
    ad Andorra Андорра
    ae United Arab Emirates Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
    af Afghanistan Афганистан
    ag Antigua and Barbuda Антигуа и Барбуда
    ai Anguilla Ангилья
    al Albania Албания
    am Armenia Армения
    ao Angola Ангола
    aq Antarctica Антарктида
    ar Argentina Аргентина
    as American Samoa Американское Самоа
    at Austria Австрия
    au Australia Австралия
    aw Aruba Аруба
    az Azerbaijan Азербайджан
    ba Bosnia & Herzegovina Босния и Герцеговина
    bb Barbados Барбадос
    bd Bangladesh Бангладеш
    be Belgium Бельгия
    bf Burkina Faso Буркина-Фасо
    bg Bulgaria Болгария
    bh Bahrain Бахрейн
    bi Burundi Бурунди
    bj Benin Бенин
    bl St. Barths Сен-Бартс
    bm Bermuda Бермуды
    bn Brunei Бруней
    bo Bolivia Боливия
    bq Caribbean Netherlands Карибские Нидерланды
    br Brazil Бразилия
    bs Bahamas Багамы
    bt Bhutan Бутан
    bv Bouvet Island Остров Буве
    bw Botswana Ботсвана
    by Belarus Беларусь
    bz Belize Белиз
    ca Canada Канада
    cc Cocos Islands Кокосовые острова
    cd Congo - Kinshasa Конго - Киншаса
    cf Central African Republic Центрально-Африканская Республика
    cg Congo - Brazzaville Конго - Браззавиль
    ch Switzerland Швейцария
    ck Cook Islands Острова Кука
    cl Chile Чили
    cm Cameroon Камерун
    cn China Китай
    co Colombia Колумбия
    cr Costa Rica Коста-Рика
    cu Cuba Куба
    cv Cape Verde Кабо-Верде
    cx Christmas Island Остров Рождества
    cy Cyprus Кипр
    cz Czech Republic Республика Чехия
    de Germany Германия
    dj Djibouti Джибути
    dk Denmark Дания
    dm Dominica Доминика
    do Dominican Republic Доминиканская Республика
    dz Algeria Алжир
    ec Ecuador Эквадор
    ee Estonia Эстония
    eg Egypt Египет
    eh Western Sahara Западная Сахара
    er Eritrea Эритрея
    es Spain Испания
    et Ethiopia Эфиопия
    fi Finland Финляндия
    fj Fiji Фиджи
    fk Falkland Islands Фолклендские острова
    fm Micronesia Микронезия
    fo Faroe Islands Фарерские острова
    fr France Франция
    ga Gabon Габон
    gb Great Britain Великобритания
    gd Grenada Гренада
    ge Georgia Грузия
    gf French Guiana Французская Гвиана
    gg Guernsey Гернси
    gh Ghana Гана
    gi Gibraltar Гибралтар
    gl Greenland Гренландия
    gm Gambia Гамбия
    gn Guinea Гвинея
    gp Guadeloupe Гваделупа
    gq Equatorial Guinea Экваториальная Гвинея
    gr Greece Греция
    gs South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands Южная Георгия и Южные Сандвичевы острова
    gt Guatemala Гватемала
    gu Guam Гуам
    gw Guinea-Bissau Гвинея-Бисау
    gy Guyana Гайана
    hk Hong Kong SAR China Гонконг (САР Китай)
    hm Heard & McDonald Islands Острова Херд и Макдональд
    hn Honduras Гондурас
    hr Croatia Хорватия
    ht Haiti Гаити
    hu Hungary Венгрия
    id Indonesia Индонезия
    ie Ireland Ирландия
    il Israel Израиль
    im Isle of Man Остров Мэн
    in India Индия
    io British Indian Ocean Territory Британская территория Индийского океана
    iq Iraq Ирак
    ir Iran Иран
    is Iceland Исландия
    it Italy Италия
    je Jersey Джерси
    jm Jamaica Ямайка
    jo Jordan Иордания
    jp Japan Япония
    ke Kenya Кения
    kg Kyrgyzstan Кыргызстан
    kh Cambodia Камбоджа
    ki Kiribati Кирибати
    km Comoros Коморские острова
    kn Saint Kitts and Nevis Сент-Китс и Невис
    kp North Korea Северная Корея
    kr South Korea Южная Корея
    kw Kuwait Кувейт
    ky Cayman Islands Каймановы острова
    kz Kazakhstan Казахстан
    la Laos Лаос
    lb Lebanon Ливан
    lc Saint Lucia Санкт-Люсия
    li Liechtenstein Лихтенштейн
    lk Sri Lanka Шри-Ланка
    lr Liberia Либерия
    ls Lesotho Лесото
    lt Lithuania Литва
    lu Luxembourg Люксембург
    lv Latvia Латвия
    ly Libya Ливия
    ma Morocco Марокко
    mc Monaco Монако
    md Moldova Молдова
    me Montenegro Черногория
    mf Saint Martin Сен-Мартен
    mg Madagascar Мадагаскар
    mh Marshall Islands Маршалловы острова
    mk Macedonia Македония
    ml Mali Мали
    mm Myanmar (Burma) Мьянма (Бирма)
    mn Mongolia Монголия
    mo Macau SAR China Макао САР Китай
    mp Northern Mariana Islands Северные Марианские острова
    mq Martinique Мартиника
    mr Mauritania Мавритания
    ms Montserrat Монсеррат
    mt Malta Мальта
    mu Mauritius Маврикий
    mv Maldives Мальдивы
    mw Malawi Малави
    mx Mexico Мексика
    my Malaysia Малайзия
    mz Mozambique Мозамбик
    na Namibia Намибия
    nc New Caledonia Новая Каледония
    ne Niger Нигер
    nf Norfolk Island Остров Норфолк
    ng Nigeria Нигерия
    ni Nicaragua Никарагуа
    nl Netherlands Нидерланды
    no Norway Норвегия
    np Nepal Непал
    nr Nauru Науру
    nu Niue Ниуэ
    nz New Zealand Новая Зеландия
    om Oman Оман
    pa Panama Панама
    pe Peru Перу
    pf French Polynesia Французская Полинезия
    pg Papua New Guinea Папуа - Новая Гвинея
    ph Philippines Филиппины
    pk Pakistan Пакистан
    pl Poland Польша
    pm Saint Pierre and Miquelon Сен-Пьер и Микелон
    pn Pitcairn Islands Острова Питкэрн
    pr Puerto Rico Пуэрто-Рико
    ps Palestinian Territories территории Палестины
    pt Portugal Португалия
    pw Palau Палау
    py Paraguay Парагвай
    qa Qatar Катар
    ro Romania Румыния
    rs Serbia Сербия
    ru Russia Россия
    rw Rwanda Руанда
    sa Saudi Arabia Саудовская Аравия
    sb Solomon Islands Соломоновы острова
    sc Seychelles Сейшельские острова
    sd Sudan Судан
    se Sweden Швеция
    sg Singapore Сингапур
    sh Saint Helena Остров Святой Елены
    si Slovenia Словения
    sj Svalbard and Jan Mayen Шпицберген и Ян Майен
    sk Slovakia Словакия
    sl Sierra Leone Сьерра-Леоне
    sm San Marino Сан-Марино
    sn Senegal Сенегал
    so Somalia Сомали
    sr Suriname Суринам
    ss South Sudan Южный Судан
    sv El Salvador Сальвадор
    sx Sint Maarten Синт-Мартен
    sy Syria Сирия
    sz Swaziland Свазиленд
    tc Turks and Caicos Islands Острова Теркс и Кайкос
    td Chad Чад
    tf French Southern Territories Южные Французские Территории
    tg Togo Того
    th Thailand Таиланд
    tj Tajikistan Таджикистан
    tk Tokelau Токелау
    tl Timor-Leste Тимор-Лешти
    tm Turkmenistan Туркменистан
    tn Tunisia Тунис
    to Tonga Тонга
    tr Turkey Турция
    tt Trinidad and Tobago Тринидад и Тобаго
    tv Tuvalu Тувалу
    tw Taiwan Тайвань
    tz Tanzania Танзания
    ua Ukraine Украина
    ug Uganda Уганда
    um U.S. Outlying Islands Внешние острова США
    us USA США
    uy Uruguay Уругвай
    uz Uzbekistan Узбекистан
    va Vatican City Ватикан
    vc St. Vincent & Grenadines Сент-Винсент и Гренадины
    ve Venezuela Венесуэла
    vg British Virgin Islands Британские Виргинские острова
    vi U.S. Virgin Islands Виргинские острова США
    vn Vietnam Вьетнам
    vu Vanuatu Вануату
    wf Wallis and Futuna Уоллис и Футуна
    ws Samoa Самоа
    ye Yemen Йемен
    yt Mayotte Майотта
    za South Africa Южная Африка
    zm Zambia Замбия
    zw Zimbabwe Зимбабве


    A SQL database with a list of all competitions with an ID (14,793 competitions) is available in the Notes section.


    Task: tabledata

    Required parameter: league


    Information and statistics about the best performance of players

    Task: leagueinfodata

    Required parameter: league



    A SQL database with a list of all clubs with an ID (188,249 clubs) is available in the Notes section.

    Composition of the team, indicators of players and their statistics

    Task: squaddata

    Required parameter: team


    Information about the lineups before the start of the match

    Task: lineupdata

    Required parameter: team



    Task: playerdata

    Required parameter: player



    Unique data that allows you to show every minute the entire chronology of the match - from penalties to dangerous attacks. The data is needed to create charts, and unique tables, as well as for bettors who can test strategies on archived matches.

    Task: chronology

    Required parameter: game_id*


    Required parameter: game_id*

    *The game_id parameter is specified in the list of live, prematch and finished games.

    All odds changes in the game. The database includes hundreds of millions of lines for tens of thousands of games.

    Task: oddschronology

    Required parameter: game_id*


    Required parameter: game_id*

    *The game_id parameter is specified in the list of live, prematch and finished games.


    Live / prematch odds from different betting companies on popular markets - handicaps, totals, wins.

    Task: odds (only supported for football)

    Required parameter: 'game_id. The parameter is listed in the list of live / prematch games.


    Task: allodds

    Required parameter: 'game_id. Supported for all sports.


  • Explanation of abbreviations. Download as XLSX.

  • Icons

    In the update of 10/17/2020, icons of supported betting companies have been added.

    To get them, use the address:


    The name of the bookmaker should be entered as in the data, for example, BWin.

    Bookmakers Table

    All Bookmakers sorted according to independent rating SBR.

    Bookmaker Rating Odds
    Bet365 A+ live / prematch
    Sbobet A+ live / prematch
    10Bet A. live / prematch
    BetFair* ** A. live / prematch
    UniBet B+ live / prematch
    Betregal* B+ live / prematch
    BWin B. live / prematch
    888Sport B. live / prematch
    188Bet B. live / prematch
    CloudBet B. live / prematch
    BetVictor B. live / prematch
    Betsson B- live / prematch
    CashPoint C. live / prematch
    1xBet D. live / prematch
    Pinnacle A+. prematch only
    William Hill A+. prematch only
    Ladbrokes A+. prematch only
    Marathonbet B. prematch only
    BetAtHome C prematch only
    MelBet - prematch only

    * - Not all leagues supported

    ** - There are delays in data from the bookmaker

    Asian bookmakers odds

    Since August 2022, we have been cooperating with a data provider for Asian and English betting companies, including Pinnacle, Crown, Sbobet, 188Bet, Mansion88, William Hill, Bet365, and others.

    Form documentation and clarifications are currently only available: for games / by odds. The data is presented as is, in the original (from the API provider) and selectively by market (our requests). Using our requests, which already immediately get the type of bets, you can not use the documentation, as there are intuitive and unloaded forms/data.

    Requests are divided into two groups - odds and a list of matches, the games in both groups are linked by id. When getting information about the game, you can find the corresponding odds by this ID.

    List of games:

    Today's games:


    Games on a specific date:


    Basic data with game time:



    Odds by bet type:

    Handicap (FT/HT): asian_handicap, asian_handicaphalf, Total (FT/HT): asian_overunder, asian_overunderhalf

    Odds (original):

    All games:


    Live only:



    Bet365 is the leader in the betting industry and the most technologically betting company. We are their official partners, and we get API data on all sports, all leagues, all events that are on Bet365 with the fastest possible time (from 0.1 seconds).

  • Official explanation of requests from Bet365. Download PDF.

  • All bet365 live games


    bet365 live games for 1 sport only


    Live odds


    All bet365 prematch games.


    Prematch Odds


    Game results


    Supported sports

    Sport Requests name Russian name
    Soccer soccer Футбол
    Basketball basketball Баскетбол
    Ice Hockey icehockey Хоккей
    Tennis tennis Теннис
    Badminton badminton Бадминтон
    Volleyball volleyball Волейбол
    Table Tennis tabletennis Настольный теннис
    Cricket cricket Крикет
    Rugby Union rugbyunion Регби (молодежка)
    Boxing/UFC boxing Бокс / UFC
    American Football football Американский футбол
    Snooker snooker Снукер
    Darts darts Дартс
    Baseball baseball Бейсбол
    Rugby League rugbyleague Регби
    Australian Rules australianrules Австралийский футбол
    Bowls bowls Боулинг
    Gaelic Sports gaelicfootball Гэльский спорт
    Handball handball Гандбол
    Futsal futsal Футзал
    Floorball floorball Флорбол
    Beach Volleyball beachvolleyball Пляжный Волейбол
    Water Polo waterpolo Водное поло
    Squash squash Сквош
    E-sport esport Кибер-Спорт


    From October 9, 2020, photos (26,012 photos) are available via direct links, without requests:


    sport_name - The name of the sport according to the table below.

    team_id - Team ID.

    Sport Requests name Russian name
    Soccer soccer Футбол
    Basketball basketball Баскетбол
    Ice Hockey icehockey Хоккей
    Tennis tennis Теннис
    Badminton badminton Бадминтон
    Volleyball volleyball Волейбол
    Table Tennis tabletennis Настольный теннис
    Cricket cricket Крикет
    Rugby Union rugbyunion Регби (молодежка)
    Boxing/UFC boxing Бокс / UFC
    American Football football Американский футбол
    Snooker snooker Снукер
    Darts darts Дартс
    Baseball baseball Бейсбол
    Rugby League rugbyleague Регби
    Australian Rules australianrules Австралийский футбол
    Bowls bowls Боулинг
    Gaelic Sports gaelicfootball Гэльский спорт
    Handball handball Гандбол
    Futsal futsal Футзал
    Floorball floorball Флорбол
    Beach Volleyball beachvolleyball Пляжный Волейбол
    Water Polo waterpolo Водное поло
    Squash squash Сквош
    E-sport esport Кибер-Спорт


    API data available in 2 languages: English and a Russified version.

    In the Russian version all popular leagues, teams and players are translated into Russian - everything the user needs. The format is Unicode.

    Only non-popular leagues and esports are available in English, for example: Australia Capital Territory NPL2 U23 League (Australian Capital Territory National League U23), Mongolia National League Women (Mongolian National Women's League).

    But, if necessary, you can translate such a league on your server, or use transcription of team names.

    To get data in Russian, use requests without /eng/:




    Use data output from the database in your applications, and websites, updating it via requests, so your site will load faster and less load on the server due to the constant sending of requests.

    1 case. The page of finished games is viewed by 1000 people, and if you sent 1000 requests, then a new page will be generated for each of them. Additional time for sending a request, generating a page, and additional requests.

    2nd case. If you update finished games, let's say once every 30 seconds, and this data is stored in the database, then in this example, only 1 request will be sent, and the data will be retrieved directly from the database, which will reduce the loading speed of the site, application, etc.

    Finished and prematch games

    There can be up to 4,000 games per day, so page generation and getting data takes time, and this is with any data provider. But, we have prepared several solutions to eliminate this delay:

    1. Requests with today's games are generated constantly, so the speed of their get takes a matter of seconds, even when there are thousands of them.

    2. Use the output of events from the database, and make requests on the data scheduler (CRON), let's say with an update every 1 minute.

    3. Separately, we made requests where the output is displayed for 50 games per page. This option is suitable for AJAX pages where data is loaded or for old methods (dividing simply by pages 1,2,3, etc.)


    If you want to make a structured database of competitions, and clubs, you can write to us - we will provide a database with IDs for each of them.
    If you need advice or want to recommend an improvement, please also write to us.

    Individual Conditions

    We can offer you individual conditions - for example, 1 million requests per hour, a separate server, sub-domain, translation of data into any language, to make individual requests based on your tasks.


    Error Reason
    No parameter 'login' The Login parameter was not specified
    No parameter 'token' Token parameter not specified
    No parameter 'task' Task parameter was not specified
    Login 'your_login' not found Invalid Login parameter
    Token 'your_token' not valid Invalid Token parameter
    Token 'your_token' does not work (2020/06/24 15:03:16). Buy new token Your token (key) expired on June 24, 2020 at 15:03:16
    Command 'command' is not exist The task=command you specified does not exist
    Access denied for this command This token (key) is forbidden from using this command
    Too many requests The number of requests in 1 hour for your token (key) has exceeded the allowable limit
    Parameter 'day' not exist. Enter the date in YYYYMMDD format, for example day=20200624. Or day=today The day parameter is required and must be in YYYYMMDD format, i.e. 4-digit year, month and day. For example, 20200624 (June 24, 2020). You can also specify day=today (case insensitive) to get today's list of prematch games.
    The date must have 8 digits. Enter the date in YYYYMMDD format, for example day=20200624 The date must be 8 digits. The detailed date format is described in the line above
    This is an incorrect date. Enter the date in YYYYMMDD format, for example day=20200624 Invalid or non-existent date. For example, January 32.
    Enter today's date or later. Format YYYYMMDD. For example day=20200624 or day=today Enter today's date or later. This error will occur when trying to get yesterday's or older games.
    Parameter 'game_id' no exist. For example game_id=2071852 Missing game_id parameter.
    The 'game_id' parameter must contain 7/8 digits Parameter game_id must contain 7/8 digits
    PARAM_INVALID Invalid parameter game_id
    Parameter 'day/league/team' not exist. Parameter day/league/team not specified / not found
    The 'league' and 'team' parameters should not be used with the 'day' parameter The league or team parameter must be specified without the 'day' parameter
    This bookmaker not found or access denied Raised when trying to get the data of a non-existent or unsupported bookmaker for your key
    You can't use the task=odds and bookmaker commands simultaneously You cannot use the task=odds and bookmaker commands at the same time
    Parameter 'sport' not exist Parameter sport not found
    Incorrect sport You must specify the correct value for the sport parameter
    error site. Send system administrator (In)
    error site. Send system administrator (Out)
    In 95% of cases, this is an error, due to miss of access rights. For example, you want to view basketball scores when your key only has football rights.
    Also, these errors occur during heavy loads on our server, the servers of Betting Companies or Sports Data, unforeseen circumstances, changes in the structure of external data, and other things. If they happen, contact the support service.


    The history of all updates and planned improvements is published in the telegram channel: https://t.me/spoyer_ru


    Attention. Updated full line 1xBet documentation here.

    Data on 1xBet including their subsidiaries are divided into two groups. The first group is requests whose IDs are associated with the sports data system, the second group displays all data on 1xBet. Before working with data, check out their documentation at the links below:

  • Documentation (russian language)
  • ID Descriptions

  • There are also many subsidiaries in the 1xBet bookmaker: Melbet, BetWinner, 1xBet and others, so their line is almost identical to the 1xBet line.

    First group


    &page=1 is used to get data on other pages. By default, 50 games are displayed on 1 page.







    Second group

    Display all live games with odds:


    Display all prematch games with odds:


    Supported sports for the first group

    Sport Requests name
    Soccer soccer
    Volleyball volleyball
    Ice Hockey icehockey
    Basketball basketball

    Bet Exchange (BetFair)

    We provide betting exchange data with "personal" and "development" license. The difference between licenses is in the speed of updating data and their volume.

    Personal license


    &p=1 is used to get data from other pages. By default, 50 games are displayed on 1 page.


    &p=1 is used to get data from other pages. By default, 50 games are displayed on 1 page.

    Game data (odds, markets, summ):


    License "development"

    The data API for this type of license is currently being updated, and requests for this group, for new customers, are temporarily not available. If you need a demo please contact us.






    Fonbet is the largest Russian betting company. We provide the main line of all sports.






    The betting company Unibet includes several subsidiaries: 888sport and PlayCity, so their line is almost identical to the Unibet line. We provide the whole line of these companies in all sports in Russian and English.

    Get list of supported sports:




    To get data in Russian, use the command unipreru



    To get data in Russian, use the command uniliveru

    Information and odds:



    Horse Racing

    Documentation here.


    DB with a list of all leagues and teams in Russian and English.

    Match statuses

    # Value
    0 Not started
    1 In game (live)
    2 Fixed game*
    3 Finished
    4 Delayed / Forfeited **
    5 Canceled
    6 Won due to no-show
    7 Interrupted
    8 Interrupted and will not be finished

    * - according to Federbet

    ** - if the score is 3-0 or 0-3

    Supported sports

    Sport Name Russian name
    Soccer soccer Футбол
    Basketball basketball Баскетбол
    Ice Hockey icehockey Хоккей
    Tennis tennis Теннис
    Badminton badminton Бадминтон
    Volleyball volleyball Волейбол
    Table Tennis tabletennis Настольный теннис
    Cricket cricket Крикет
    Rugby Union rugbyunion Регби (молодежка)
    Boxing/UFC boxing Бокс / UFC
    American Football football Американский футбол
    Snooker snooker Снукер
    Darts darts Дартс
    Baseball baseball Бейсбол
    Rugby League rugbyleague Регби
    Australian Rules australianrules Австралийский футбол
    Bowls bowls Боулинг
    Gaelic Sports gaelicfootball Гэльский спорт
    Handball handball Гандбол
    Futsal futsal Футзал
    Floorball floorball Флорбол
    Beach Volleyball beachvolleyball Пляжный волейбол
    Water Polo waterpolo Водное поло
    Squash squash Сквош
    E-sport esport Кибер-Спорт